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About Me

My name is Tom Williams. I am married, have two daughters, and currently own a technology consulting and service firm in Canton, Ohio.

I was raised in the church and was taught about God from the time I was very young. Based on the behavior modeled by my dad, my view of following God was being bound by a bunch of rules and regulations which kept me from experiencing the “good things” in life.

By the time I left for college, I was extremely excited to be free from the strict guidelines imposed by my dad. I was poised to finally experience the “good things” the world had to offer. As time passed, I moved further and further away from God. By the time I left college, I had decided I no longer needed God and would take complete control over my life.

I did my best to control everything in my life until 2010, when at the age of 34, my world started crashing down around me. This brought me to the lowest point in my life where I was completely worn out from trying to control everything in my life. I finally chose to surrender everything over to God and to give Him complete control of my life. I will never forget the peace and serenity I experienced in the moment I made this decision.

From that day on, I have tried to learn as much as I could about God and to be obedient to do what I believe God has called me to do. Throughout this journey, I have learned the difference between the rules and regulations I grew up knowing versus what it really means to have a personal relationship with God. As I have made my relationship with God the central focus in my life, I have continued to enjoy significantly greater prosperity in all areas of my life, while also finding joy and peace despite the many storms and trials life brings to each of us.

God has placed a desire in my heart to help others fully surrender their lives and businesses to Him so they, too, might also experience the joy and peace of living life in relationship with God. I feel like I have found the greatest treasure in the world and want nothing more than to help others find the same treasure in their lives.

I still make plenty of mistakes, have plenty of things I struggle with in my life, and do my best to be as authentic as I can. I am an optimistic person which makes it easier to share my successes with others, but I believe it is my struggles that allow me to find a deeper connection in the relationships I have.

If you would like to more fully surrender your life and business to God, sign up below to become a part of this community. I am not sure exactly where God is going to take us, but would love to have you along for the ride!